Hannah Bohr
The heart of the Reinhard Ernst Museum – the rooms for art education and Hannah Bohr’s workplace at the same time – is found on the ground floor and therefore in the public forum. Encouraging creativity among young people and introducing them to abstract art is very important to the founders, Mr and Mrs Ernst. Reason enough to create a full-time position and a direct contact for teachers and educational institutes – after all, the mornings are always kept exclusively reserved for them in the museum. Hannah Bohr lives in Frankfurt and arrived at the MRE via posts such as at the Museum für Moderne Kunst and Basis. What appeals a lot to Hannah Bohr is taking an inquisitive look at the collection with young people and exploring the realms of colour and the museum space with them. “What is important to me in communication”, says Hannah Bohr, “is the creation of safe spaces in which to exchange and experience ideas as well as the participation and self-determination of all the visitors.” The completion of the creative space, immersion in the collection, programme work and networking in Wiesbaden are all on the agenda.
Anika Dekubanowski
Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn – for Anika Dekubanowski these are environments in which she moves quite regularly and which are essential for her daily exchange of information. As such, she is not only the digital mouthpiece of the Reinhard Ernst Museum, but also the person to contact on digital platforms. Honesty and well-founded information are very important to her. In addition to her expertise in art and culture, Anika Dekubanowski can also communicate content to readers in Japanese, as one overseas posting took her to the University of Shizuoka. It is therefore no surprise that she has a great affinity for the museum building of our architect Fumihiko Maki and for the Japanese focus of the Reinhard Ernst Collection. For this job, she moved from Cologne to the Hessian state capital and is now sampling its vegan and vegetarian restaurants as well.